Frosty September

Shedlife construction zone was a little demoralizing with 40F rain all weekend, but we’ve put some insulation in the shed and are excited to get a roof on the house. Someday, I’ll have my

Raise a Ray Core Roof

It’s September.  The snow is coming soon. How do we get heavy 8 inch raycore panels up on the roof?  Friends of course.  And the usual jury rigging.            

One nail at a time

Getting ready for another big weekend of putting in the roof beams and then roof.

Shed life: two months in

We’ve been living tiny without running water or power for about two months now and things are remarkably easy.  We still manage to show up to our professional careers clean and shiny.  We have

Painful progress

That time we dropped a wall on my dad who was too deaf to hear us yell to get out of the way and he probably had broken ribs but refused to go to

Shed life pro tip:

Remember to shake off the spiders from your freshly dry dishes in the morning. Also, bungees keep everything from blowing away in the wind.

Amazing friends make it happen.

It’s amazing what a crew of friends and family can get done in a long weekend. A floor, and half the walls of a house, to be exact. (A third wall between those is

Pouring the foundation

Tina, Sarah and Dan braved a drizzly morning and stood in the rain with us as we splashed concrete, handled an industrial strength vibrator, and came one step closer to having a house. We

Shed Life

First night as a permanent resident of our corner of mountain paradise! We’ll be without running water, power or much extra space in our 120 sqft shed for the next few months as we