It’s coming along beautifully, no doubt. The kitchen has an island and running water. Next week, we’ll get it tested and then have running drinking water. The hard part of the deck is done. The impossibly heavy 24ft triple board is in place. The bedroom is both vast and cozy.
The bank deadline was supposed to be in three days. We got a three month extension, meaning surely this marathon will be over in three months. Or we’ll have to default on a 200k loan.
I’m happy with progress. It’s beautiful here. And I’m exhausted.
People say jokingly, you won’t know what to do with all your extra time.
It’s not true.
I’ll run and bike and hike. I’ll see my friends. I’ll go into to town and go dancing. I’ll cook healthy food. I’ll stretch and hopefully be in less pain. Or, if not, I’ll take the time to go to PT or doctors and put in the time to make the pain better. I’ll learn about seeds and grow a garden. I’ll get to know the neighbors. I’ll be a better friend. I’ll research vacations and plan to attend costume parties. Richard I will talk about more than deadlines that fill me with panic.
I have plenty of ideas of what I will do with all that extra time.