Copper countertops
Most of our beautiful successes are built on blood, sweat, tears, and swear words. Not necessarily in that order.
11/30/17 – it’s a wrap
Here are some pictures of our house today – it’s finally been wrapped!!!!! The whole house feels unified in its white plastic sheeting as the first could of windows went in. We are eagerly
Inspection Photos – Beams
These are the inspection photos for the beam installations. BEAM PLACEMENT PHOTOS Pockets for beams created in walls. All beams in place. All beams in place. All beams
Inspection Photos – Foundation Perimeter
Below are the photos and info for 2 inspections: “Perimeter foundation drain” and “foundation damp-proofing”. Perimeter foundation drain 4″ of 3/4″ gravel in base of wall 3″ perforated pipe with 2 sets of holes
9/15/17 – Roof Beams
13 beams raised. No major injuries. One beautiful house-to-be. Success. Today we got our roof beams installed. Quite a feat as our helpers dropped out; but Kori rocked the tag line and became an
9/3/17 – More Walls
Building your dreams is hard work. I suggest buying a heavy duty winch. It makes it better. We continue to slowly build our walls and watch our house come together. We are now in
Steel Beam
One of the fun items we got to install in our floor system is a steel beam where our bedroom wall ends. This aligns with one edge of our flat roof so it needed
We have begun the installation of our subfloor I-joists. We used TJIs be Weyerhaeuser which were fairly straightforward to install. Because our foundation wall comes above the floor level in the bedroom we installed